The effect of plant residues, mycorrhizal symbiosis and zinc sulfate in legume and non-legume rotation on nutrient absorption and wheat yield

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Dryland Agricultural Research Institute, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Gachsaran, Iran

2 Department of Agriculture Science, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


Improving wheat yield is important from both quantitative and qualitative aspects. Wheat grain Phosphorus and zinc content are important qualitative aspects of wheat yield. In order to investigate the effects of crop rotation, mycorrhizal symbiosis and zinc sulfate on grain yield and zinc, phosphorus contents of grain, in subtropical rainfed conditions at Gachsaran Rainfed Research Station, the current an trial was carried out as split factorial based on an RCBD in three replications and during four crop years. The treatments included four crop rotations as the main plots (including vetch, wheat, canola and lentil), inoculation with mycorrhizal symbiosis (inoculation and non-inoculation) and two zinc sulfate rates (such as 0 and 40 kg.ha) as subplots. The results showed that the highest quantitative and qualitative yield (such as Phosphorus and Zn levels) of were achieved in vetch-wheat rotation plus mycorrhizal symbiosis inoculation. Application of zinc sulfate or mycorrhiza in all periodic patterns increased the weight of 1000 seeds, spike weight and grain yield. Cultivation of two types of legumes (lentil and vetch) in the wheat rotation increased grain zinc concentration compared to the other two rotation patterns (wheat-wheat and canola-wheat). Grain zinc concentration was increased respectively 5 and 18 percentage by using mycorrhiza and zinc sulfate. In general, the implementation of the periodic pattern of vetch-wheat and lentil-wheat along with the use of mycorrhiza can be recommended as an effective pattern in terms of quantitative and qualitative wheat yield.


Main Subjects

  • Receive Date: 26 July 2023
  • Revise Date: 14 November 2023
  • Accept Date: 22 November 2023
  • Publish Date: 21 June 2024