Application of AMMI approuch in “Genotype x Environment” interaction analysis and determining yeild stability of soybean purelines [Glycine max (L.) Merril ]

Document Type : Research Paper


1 1- Research Assistant of Professor of Center of Agricultural Research and Natural Resources Khorasan Razavi Province. (Corresponding author:

2 2- Research Expert of Center of Agricultural Research and Natural Resources Lorestan Province.

3 3- Research tutor of Center of Agricultural Research and Natural Resources Ardabil Province (Parsabad Moghan)


This study conducted to evaluating adaptability and seed yeild stability of 19 soybean purelines and Kousar cultvar (check) in three regions: Karaj, Khoram abad and Moghan in during 1392 and 1393 years. For this purpose after preparing soil and planing experimental design, genotype seeds planted in the respective plots. The usual agronomic attentions carried out at growth stages and each genotype yeild estimated after harvest. Combined analysis of variance according to AMMI model, ASV parameter, Biplot Genotypes & Environments means versus IPCA1 and Biplot IPCA1 versus IPCA2 computed by Genstat Ver.12 . the results of ANOVA and AMMI analysis showed that genotye and environment additive effects and “Genotype x Environment” multiplicative effect are significant in % 1 level. Sum of squares of genotype, environment and Gen. × Env. factors founded % 4, % 46 and % 13 of total Sum of squares respectivily. Also according to ASV parameter and results of 1 and 3 biplots three genotypes: G10 (Spry × Nemaha/7) , G16 ( Spry x Savoy/3) and G20 (Kousar) were the most stable and genotype G10 (Spry × Nemaha/7) selected as the best genotype considering the yeild (2764 Kg/ha) and stability.


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Volume 50, Issue 1
May 2019
Pages 129-137
  • Receive Date: 04 October 2017
  • Revise Date: 27 January 2018
  • Accept Date: 07 April 2018
  • Publish Date: 22 May 2019