Absorption and Translocation of C14-Labelled Glyphosate and 2,4-D in Populations of Swallow-Worts (Cynanchum acutuml.) in Iran



In order to investigate the absorption and translocation of glyphosate and 2,4-D during various stages of growth in swallow-worts weed populations, this study was carried out in 2010 at the Iranian Agricultural, Medical and Industerial Research Institute of Atomic Energy Organization. Treatments used in this study included three different stages of growth, four weed ecotypes of swallow-worts, and two types of herbicides labelled with carbon 14 (glyphosate and 2,4-D), respectively. Extraction and counting of labelled herbicide showed that herbicide absorption and translocation in different growth stages of different ecotypes of swallow-worts considering the absorption and transfer to different parts of the plant were significantly different. Labeled glyphosate herbicide detected in swallow-worts rhizome showed that the development of recycling and transport to the site of inoculation and shoot to root at the highest levels were different. The least amount of herbicide uptake and transport of herbicides to the leaves above the inoculation site and the plant was in Ahwaz ecotype and other ecotypes and growth stages were not significantly different from each other. But in the case of herbicide transport to the inoculation site and transporte to the roots, Ahvaz ecotype had the highest transmission and the rest showed no significant differences. Different ecotypes also showed significant differences in absorption and transfer steps. Detection of labelled glyphosate herbicide in swallow-worts showed that there was no significant difference in the percentage of transport to a higher place of the inoculation site and transport to the root between ecotypes. However, the transfer of herbicide to the lower site of inoculation and the target leaves were significantly different. This study also showed that the uptake and transport of herbicide 2,4-D in all stages and in different ecotypes with different levels were significantly different. By detection of this herbicide in the plant, it was shown that, except to the amount of absorption by the target leave, the remaining steps of capturing, transporting and recycling of herbicides were significantly different.
