Recognition and understanding the genetic control of traits, combining ability and genetic structure are directly related to the success of breeding programs. For this purpose, a 7 × 7 one-way diallel design was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The measured traits were included plant height, height to the first capsule, number of days to 50% and 90% of flowering, number of capsules per plant, number of seeds per capsule, number of days to physiological ripening, number of branches, leaves number and length, 1000-seeds weight, capsule weight, length and width, chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll, biological andeconomic yields, harvest index, oil and protein percentage. Analysis of variance showed that there was a significant difference between genotypes and diallel analysis showed that the additive variance of all traits and dominant variance of all traits except height to the first fruit-bearing capsule were significant. The oltan cultivar was the best and Ardestan genotype was the worst genotype in terms of general combining ability. Sabzevar×TS-3 and Sirjan×Fars were the best hybrids in most traits. The general heritability was between 0.90 to 0.96 for biologic yield and number of branches, respectively and narrow heritability was between 0.36 to 0.91 for the number of branches and harvest index, respectively. The analysis of variance by Hayman method confirmed the results of Griffing analysis.
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Zabet, M. , , Barazandeh, F. , and Samadzadeh, A. . "Genetic study of the yield and its components in sesame using the diallel analysis in Birjand region", Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science, 52, 2, 2021, 97-108. doi: 10.22059/ijfcs.2020.270388.654554
Zabet, M., Barazandeh, F., Samadzadeh, A. (2021). 'Genetic study of the yield and its components in sesame using the diallel analysis in Birjand region', Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science, 52(2), pp. 97-108. doi: 10.22059/ijfcs.2020.270388.654554
M. Zabet , F. Barazandeh and A. Samadzadeh, "Genetic study of the yield and its components in sesame using the diallel analysis in Birjand region," Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science, 52 2 (2021): 97-108, doi: 10.22059/ijfcs.2020.270388.654554
Zabet, M., Barazandeh, F., Samadzadeh, A. Genetic study of the yield and its components in sesame using the diallel analysis in Birjand region. Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science, 2021; 52(2): 97-108. doi: 10.22059/ijfcs.2020.270388.654554