Chemical management of purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) in sugarcane

Document Type : Research Paper


Student/ Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Khouzestan


In order to evaluation the efficacy of indaziflam on control of purple nutsedge in sugarcane an experiment was conducted in 2015 growing season in a sugarcane field in Shoaeibiyeh, Shoushtar, Khouzestan, Iran. Trial was randomized complete block design with four replications per treatments. Treatments were 1-indaziflam (75 g ai ha-1, as preemergence); 2-indaziflam (50 g ai ha-1 as preemergence); 3- Trifloxysulfuron sodium+ametryn (1875 g ai ha-1,as postemergence); 4-2,4-D+MCPA (1687.5 g ai ha-1); 5-2,4-D+MCPA+metribuzin (1350 g ai ha-1+1400 g ai ha-1); 6- weeding and 7- weed infested. The results showed indaziflam as 75 g ai ha-1 affected purpule nutsedge growth as dry weight and density reduction percentage of purple nutsedge was reduced 100% until 30 day after treatment (DAT). However, indaziflam efficacy was reduced over time. Other herbicides such as indaziflam as 50 g ai ha-1 and trifloxysulfuron sodium+ametryn indicated good effect in purple nutsedge control compared with 4-2,4-D+MCPA and 2,4-D+MCPA+metribuzin. Single stem weight (0.70 kg m-2), the middle internode diameter (1.83 cm), number of internode (18. 3 cm) and cane yield (117.88 t ha-1), were the greatest in indaziflam (75 g ai ha-1). The greatest brix (21.40%), invert sugar (25.53%), recoverable sugar (11.0%) and the lowest fiber content (12.60 t ha-1) were obtained in indaziflam (75 g ai ha-1).


Main Subjects

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