Effect of seed coating with growth promoting bacteria and micronutrients on quantitative and qualitative yield of forage corn )Zea mays L. SC. 640 (

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M. Sc. Student, University of Guilan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, University of Guilan, Iran

3 Professor, University of Guilan, Iran

4 Researcher, Rasht Institute of Rice Research, Iran


Corn )Zea mays L. (is one of the most crop that its forage produce is developed in the country. This field research carried out in order to investigate the effect of seed coating with growth promoting bacteria )Azotobacter and Pseudomonas (and micronutrients )Zn, B, Mo, Cu, Fe and Mn (on quantitative and qualitative yield of forage corn )Zea mays L. SC. 640 (.The experiment design consisted of three randomized complete blocks was performed in 2013-2014 cropping season in Rice Researches Institute of Rasht. Investigated treatments in this research were including seed without coating, seed coating without bacteria and micronutrients, seed coating with micronutrients and without bacteria, seed coating with Pseudomonas and without micronutrients, seed coating with Pseudomonas and micronutrients, seed coating with Azotobacter and without micronutrients, seed coating with Azotobacter and micronutrients, seed coating with )Azotobacter and Pseudomonas (and without micronutrients, seed coating with )Azotobacter and Pseudomonas (and micronutrients. Seed coating with Pseudomonas and micronutrients treatment was highest in the most of characteristics. For purposes of forage quality, Seed coating with Pseudomonas and micronutrients treatment allocated the highest of dry matter digestibility percentage, crude protein percentage and water soluble carbohydrates percentage, too. Also the highest of acid detergent fiber percentage and ash percentage observed in control. The present finding showed that growth promoting bacteria with micronutrients have a greater impact on plant growth. These bacteria in combination with micronutrients can improve quantitative and qualitative yield of plant.


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