Effect of crop protection and herbicides management on weed species distribution in wheat fields

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Asisstant Professor, Department of Plant protection, Agricultural research center of Kermanshah

2 Professor, University College of Agricultural and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj

3 Asisstant Professor, Plant Protection Research Institute, Department of weed science, Tehran

4 Asisstant Professor, Aburyhan Pardis, Tehran University


In order to investigating theeffects of  crop rotation and applying of herbicides on weed distribution in  irrigated wheat fields of Kermanshah province, this study was performed during  2011-2012. Multivariate analysis (RDA) revealed the significant relationship between composition and species frequency and exerted management techniques. The first and second features of RDA indicated 57%, 74.9% and 58.3% distribution variance under the effect of crop rotation, grass herbicides and rotation, and broadleaf herbicides and rotation respectively. The highest effect was for the continuously wheat cultivation which had a positive correlation with the frequency of the weeds including Lolium  rigidum,  Hordeum spontaneum, Avena ludoviciana,  Lithospermum arvense and  phalaris brachystachys. Application of the herbicide clodinafop propargyl and rotation between wheat-barley and wheat-sugar beet had a low correlation with grass weeds. The weeds including Sinapis arvensis, Carthamus oxycantha, Vicia assyriaca  and Galium tricurnutum  in the rotation wheat- barely were not controlled by applying  2,4-D,  tribenuron methyl and Sulfosulfurun and had a high density.


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